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Giggle Ball - Interactive Dog Toy

Giggle Ball - Interactive Dog Toy

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Doggos Are Loving The Giggle Ball!

Does your pooch need a wobble wag giggle ball? I think so!! #wobblewaggiggle #puppytiktok

This ball keeps both my doggies occupied for ages! #puppy #frenchie #frenchiepuppy

#wobblewaggiggle #wobblewaggiggleball #puppy #dogtoys

Brady chose violence with the wiggle wobble ball #corgi #dogtoy #funnydog

Does your pooch need a wobble wag giggle ball? I think so!! #wobblewaggiggle #puppytiktok

This ball keeps both my doggies occupied for ages! #puppy #frenchie #frenchiepuppy

#wobblewaggiggle #wobblewaggiggleball #puppy #dogtoys

Brady chose violence with the wiggle wobble ball #corgi #dogtoy #funnydog

Does your pooch need a wobble wag giggle ball? I think so!! #wobblewaggiggle #puppytiktok

This ball keeps both my doggies occupied for ages! #puppy #frenchie #frenchiepuppy

#wobblewaggiggle #wobblewaggiggleball #puppy #dogtoys

Brady chose violence with the wiggle wobble ball #corgi #dogtoy #funnydog

Customer Reviews

Based on 103 reviews
Hours of fun

My Springer Sam loves balls and this is his favourite

Would buy another one very satisfied with it

My we Jack russell loves it

love it ^.^

needed to add something for free shipping so we got this for our mastiff/lab cross and husky. they love it ^.^ even the cat plays with it sometimes. both are big chewers and have not destroyed it yet. would have loved to have been a fly on the wall in the ups truck... it was loose in the box and was "giggling" all the way as i walked up my driveway with the box LOL

Peggy Kaiyum
Love this toy!

Cute toy but my dog isn't much of a player.

Bo loves it!!!

I don't normally write reviews but this ball is so much fun for my cavapoo, Bo! He has exhausted himself chasing it around for the past 45 minutes 😂 The sounds aren't super annoying also!

Искра Игнатова
This thing keeps my dog very busy. Not an inside toy.

Don't get it wet, it will not make sounds if you do. It will work again after it is dry.

alison kerr
Highly recommended

Bought this for my very destructive bulldog. It is the best toy he has ever had, he absolutely loves it and plays with it everyday, I gave it to him on Xmas eve and it's still doing strong 8 days later. A new record for him! I also bought him the burger one and he loves that too